The RT9070B is a high voltage (70V operation), low quiescent current, low dropout linear regulator. The device supplies 20mA output current with a maximum dropout voltage of 230mV. Its low quiescent and shutdown currents (23μA operating and 3μA shutdown) are ideal for use in battery-powered and/or high voltage systems. Ground current is well-controlled in all conditions, including dropout.
The RT9070B operates with any reasonable output capacitors including 1μF low-ESR ceramic types. It features excellent line and load transient responses. Internal protection circuitry includes reverse-battery protection, current limiting, thermal shutdown, and reverse current protection.
The RT9070B has an adjustable output voltage (1.25V to 60V). It is available in the SOT-23-5 package.
- Low Current, High Voltage Regulators
- Battery Powered Applications
- Telecom and Datacom Applications
- Automotive Applications